
Uzbek: Real-Life Conversation for Beginners

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Titel:      Uzbek: Real-Life Conversation for Beginners
Kategorie:      Sprachunterricht
BuchID:      1079
Autor:      Turkicum Book Series
ISBN-10(13):      978-1705688564
Verlag:      Independently published
Publikationsdatum:      11/2019
Seitenanzahl:      196
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

This unique guide to communicating in Uzbek will help you to practice your spoken Uzbek with a free downloadable audio file. The Uzbek: Real-Life Conversations for Beginners provides you with a solid foundation for building conversation skills. You can go at your own pace as you are guided through the basics of communicating in Uzbek organized around different everyday themes.The book covers Uzbek alphabet, basic grammar points on vowels, consonants, word and sentence formations, dialogues, thematic vocabulary and phrases. How Conversation for Beginners works:•Each 30 unit will have different conversations between two or more people who discuss or solve a common, day-to-day matters that you will most likely experience in real life•Each unit starts with short dialogue for warm up and longer dialogue for more reading•After each sentences in Uzbek version of the conversation will be followed English translations. This ensures that you fully understand just what it was written there.•Thematic vocabulary words taken from conversations and phrases, as well as additional words will come after to broaden your words basis.•Useful phrases with English translation and pronunciation guide provide relevant and useful expression under the context•Final Figure It Out section provide set of exercises to practice what you have learned and memorized.•The dialogues, words and phrases are recorded by native speaker in understandable speed.It is recommended to use the book along with the books Uzbek for Beginners, Uzbek: Thematic Vocabulary and Short Stories and Uzbek Verbs under the Turkicum series.

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