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O`zbekiston Ensembles

O`zbekiston Ensembles

The creative union of the artistic collectives of Uzbekistan

Shota Rustaveli 25 , 100070, Tashkent

Tel.: +998 (71) 254-66-16 Fax: +998 (71) 254-66-16
Typ: Organisation
  • Weitere Informationen

The creative union of the artistic collectives of Uzbekistan

The creative union of the artistic collectives of Uzbekistan was founded on March 24, 2014 in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of the Directorate of academical and folk art communities named after Muhiddin Koriyakubov and the creative association of art collectives.

The association is a part of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. One of the main goals of the association is to further develop, promote and enrich the national music, dance and singing art, which has been formed and passed from generation to generation over the centuries and to motivate a deep sense of admiration in the soul of the young posterity to the cultural heritage. In its activity the union preserves music, dance and singing art belong to all regions of our country, creates new art works on the basis of them and presents to the people. Today there are 13 creative teams in the system of the organization and about 500 artists are working in the association.

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