
The Arabic Alphabet

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Titel:      The Arabic Alphabet
Kategorie:      Kunst und Kultur
BuchID:      1817
Autor:      N. AWDE
ISBN-10(13):      978-0818404306
Verlag:      Lyle Stuart
Publikationsdatum:      01/1997
Seitenanzahl:      95
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

How to Read and Write It

Ever larger numbers of people are starting to learn Arabic, while even more have some contact with the Arab world. Anyone who wishes to learn the language faces the hitherto formidable initial problem: the alphabet. This book proceeds step-by-step through all the letters of the Arabic alphabet, showing the sounds they stand for and how they are combined into words. Nothing essential is left out, but no unnecessary complications are added. Readers will find that progress is rapid and will be surprised at the relative ease with which they master the first steps in learning this increasingly important world language.

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